For Sergio, and everyone at DeColores, great food is a passion. The meals served at this fantastic restaurant is from a secret recipe book spanning generations, a book that is full of secrets with recipes that they share with friends and neighbors. The meals they have been enjoying since they were children are now showcased with pride throughout the Chicago community.
Go ahead and enjoy one of Chicago’s most authentic Mexican restaurants.
Buen Provecho!
Tzuco and panango
Chef Carlos Gaytán just opened Tzuco, a restaurant inspired by his hometown Huitzuco, Mexico. He’s the first Mexican chef to preside over a Michelin-starred restaurant. Tzuco—from Huitzuco—is located in The Gold Coast of Chicago, and it tells the story of Carlos Gaytán’s life throughout a myriad of culinary creations in a unique and poetic space. Panango is a grab and go where customers can pick up breads, sweets, soups, and breakfast items. Arabel’s favorite things are the conchas from Panango.
Arabel and Carlos at Tzuco’s opening